
Shooting and Mental Health

Mental health and shooting.

Every time I go to the docs I get asked about my mental health. This is because a big red banner pops up telling the doc I am a firearms license holder. I think that’s not a bad thing. However if for any reason you are a shooter and you feel you might be a bit down or feeling low it might mean you just shut up and not mention anything for fear of losing your license.

Some of you might have heard of a guy called Matt Cross. He writes loads of shooting articles for BASC and a few magazines.

He has a big twitter following and recently posted that he was feeling a bit down and anxious and was reported to the police.

Today the police arrived at his house and seized all his guns.

So where does that leave us? The shooters? If we feel we have a mental health problem do we ask for help and risk losing our guns and in some cases our livelihoods?

SACS have a great article about this and a downloadable leaflet which gives practical advice and you don’t have to be a SACS member to download it for free. It’s worth a look.

Oh and it’s fine to mention Matt as he is on twitter making people aware of this.

Download leaflet from the SACS article here

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