
Packhams legal team blunder

SPRINGWATCH star Chris Packham yesterday won £ 30,000 damages from a YouTube channel – but may not see a penny because he sued the wrong company.

The BBC naturalist took legal action against Fieldsports Channel, a hunting news outlet which attracts more than a million viewers a month, after it falsely claimed he had forged a death threat against himself.

But his lawsuit targeted the channel’s tiny holding company, which has no money or bank account, rather than its parent firm which makes £400,000 a year from advertising.

Packham launched a libel claim against Fieldsports Channel Ltd – a small holding company with no assets. Instead of, Fieldsports Television Ltd, is highly profitable. Fieldsports Channel yesterday said ‘a basic bit of Googling’ would have revealed he was suing the wrong company.

Despite losing the case, Fieldsports founder and presenter Charlie Jacoby said: ‘Imagine our delight when we spotted that Chris was suing the wrong company. He got justice at a tremendous cost.’

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